Transport Arrangements

The Lower Site has barriers at the front of the site for security. The following expectations are in place to ensure safety.

Please see below the path you should take when picking up your child from the Lower Site.

Image of top down view of Trinity Academy Newcastle Lower Site Building with arrows showing taxi route in and out of the school premises

Morning Arrival

  • No learner is allowed on-site prior to 8.20am
  • Learners can disembark from vehicles in the 'drop off area' in the playground at the back of the building.

Evening Departure

  • No vehicle (taxis/parent/carer) involved in the collection of learners will be allowed on-site before 14.30, EXCEPT on Wednesday when vehicles will be allowed to enter the site from 14.00 to accommodate the early finish.
  • Vehicles arriving prior to 14.30/14.00 will be asked to leave the site
  • All learners leave school from the back of the building
  • No learner will be allowed to leave the site by the front entrance
  • All vehicles must follow directions to the back of the building, directions may be either verbal or written (see map)
  • All vehicles must observe the strict 5mph max speed limit
  • Vehicles will be lined up in a strict arrival order
  • All vehicles will be called forward by an appropriate staff member in a controlled manner
  • Vehicles will only move on direct instruction of an appropriate staff member
  • Vehicles will leave site following instructions and guidance of an appropriate staff member

SEN Transport

For the majority of our learners, transport is provided by SEN transport. For more information regarding their service, please download the SEN Handbook for Parents

Further information about SEN Transport is also available from:

SEN Transport
Room 213
Newcastle City Council
Civic Centre
Barras Bridge
Newcastle upon Tyne


Phone: 0191 277 4646