World Book Day 2022

The first Thursday in March has always been an extremely exciting day in our school calendar; however, last Thursday was simply jumpsquifflingly gloriumptious!
(That's absolutely great to you and me!) It demanded Gobblefunk, (the language that Roald Dhal uses within the pages of his magical tales) because it's the only language that comes close to describing this year’s spectacular celebration of creativity, imagination and, at the heart of it all, reading for pleasure and joy of books.
Every year, the children and staff never cease to amaze with the levels of enthusiasm, creativity and imagination they pour into making World Book Day everything it should be - a day to inspire, enthuse and share in a love and joy of books and reading. But the inspiration and enthusiasm this year doubled, tripled – no, quadrupled the mixture stirring up a storytelling feast of character costumes, story sharing, prize giving, Wally searching, token taking, quiz completing, and many other activities which ensured our learners were full of excitement and pleasure of reading.