Fords Multiplication Practice

Ford group, at the Lower Site, have been practising their multiplication and division, using different methods to find the best techniques to help them through the maze of mathematical concepts. Mastering multiplication is a big deal for our learners — so why not take the chance to celebrate a little? We did just that and made sure that the learners brought their amazing work to the celebration assembly!
Well done and keep up the good work!
Multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for all year 4 learners registered at state-funded maintained schools, special schools or academies (including free schools) in England.
The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether learners can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics.
We will administer the MTC to all eligible year 4 learners between Monday 5 June and Friday 16 June 2023.
If parents need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact the school or follow this link: